In November, 1,343 real estate purchase agreements were registered in Riga.

While at the time of writing this news, the m2 magazine and the portal did not yet have the opportunity to summarize the full results of 2024, the data from the first 11 months indicates that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, the real estate transaction statistics for 2024 will slightly surpass those of the previous year. Throughout 2023, the judges of the Land Register in Latvia's capital registered 14,172 purchase agreements. From January to November 2024, 13,369 agreements have been registered. The gap of 803 transactions will undoubtedly be bridged in December: over the past decade, the statistics for this month have never dropped below 1,117 sales.
A similar trend (i.e., 2024's results not falling below 2023's) is expected for Latvia as a whole. In 2023, a total of 46,997 real estate sales were recorded, while the first 11 months of 2024 accounted for 43,604 sales. This provides grounds to anticipate at least 47,000 transactions for the year. Of course, some Latvian regions may show slightly lower buyer activity than last year, but the overall conclusion for the country is that 2024 has kept pace with 2023. However, when viewed through the lens of the past decade, these recent years rank near the bottom of the chart. The record-holder remains 2021, with its 56,507 real estate transactions.