Exclusive from "VIP REAL"

Real estate exchange


Investments in ready-made rental properties

You save your funds and immediately receive a guaranteed income of 6-12% per annum from them.
In this case, a completely finished property is purchased and rented out. At the same time, the value of real estate itself is also steadily increasing from year to year.


Jurmala -> Dubai

Exchange your property in Latvia for property in the UAE!
We help non-EU residents, without a residence permit or a European bank account, to quickly, reliably and safely exchange their property in the EU for property in the UAE, or simply sell their property in the EU and get money for it in the UAE.
This is a simple and reliable procedure on legal grounds, which has been developed taking into account many years of experience in international transactions.


Investments in the development of real estate

You gradually invest in real estate during the construction phase (off-plan) and receive a capital gain of up to 40% of the initial cost by the time the property is put into operation.

Our achievements

That's what's behind us



More than 2000 successful transactions in the premium segment . 


20 years

Over 20 years experience in real estate. 



A stable team of true professionals. 


World experience

Experience of working with residents of various countries of the world.

Welcome to the company section dedicated to unique opportunities in premium real estate in Latvia and the UAE!

We are proud to present to you our company specializing in the sale of luxury real estate in Latvia. Our experience and professionalism have helped us establish ourselves in the market, and now we are pleased to announce our new step - entering the market of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is an amazing city known for its tall skyscrapers, luxury and innovation. The United Arab Emirates has recently become a real tourist center of the Middle East and annually attracts thousands of investors who want to invest their money in one of the fastest growing countries. The reasons why investors decide to purchase real estate in the UAE can be very different, but one thing is clear - the demand for real estate in the emirates is continuously growing, and at the same time prices are rising, which makes investing in apartments and houses a profitable and, most importantly, safe option preserve and increase capital. Our agency works both directly with the developer and in the secondary market. We confidently navigate the real estate market in the UAE, we know real prices, the characteristics of areas and individual objects, infrastructure specifics and everything that allows clients to make informed and economically sound decisions. At VIP REAL we never promise what we cannot deliver and always keep our promises to our clients. Our personal credo and the credo of the company is to be as objective and open as possible with our clients, even when the situation is against us. When contacting us, the client can be sure that we will not let you down. If we take on something, we finish it and never leave our clients halfway.

Welcome to the world of luxury real estate!

The founders of the company "VIP REAL", Alexander Tsykunov and Lara Batova. Consultation

Below you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1. Is it possible to obtain a residence permit when purchasing real estate?

If you invest in real estate in Dubai, you will have the opportunity to obtain a resident visa (RPV).
The duration and type of visa depends on the amount of your investment.
From 750,000 to 2,000,000 dirhams (190,000 EUR – 510,000 EUR) you will receive a visa for 2 years with the possibility of extension.
From 2,000,000 to 10,000,000 dirhams (510,000 – 2,540,000 EUR) you will receive a golden visa for 5 years with the possibility of extension.
For an investment amount of more than 10,000,000 dirhams (2,540,000 EUR), you will receive a visa for 10 years with the possibility of extension.

2. Do you actually own property in Dubai?

All real estate sold by our company is located in Freehold, that is, in a freely sold zone. Just like in Europe, you will own both the land and the building forever. Becoming a full owner of real estate became possible after the passage of a law in 2006, which allowed full ownership of real estate for all citizens of the world in 33 areas of Dubai.

3. What tax do I have to pay when buying real estate in Dubai?

The residential property acquisition tax is 4% and is paid to the Dubai Land Department (DLD) upon re-registration of ownership.

4. Can several people buy property together?

Yes, you can form a partnership to purchase property in Dubai. In this case, you will own the property according to the agreed shares (for example, ½).

5. What taxes apply to real estate in Dubai?

Apart from the acquisition tax that you will pay at the time of purchase (4% of the value of the property), you will not pay any taxes subsequently.

  • No property tax.
  • No tax on rental income.
  • No capital gains tax.
  • No inheritance tax.

    6. Can I become a tax resident of the UAE?

    An individual can become a tax resident if one of the following conditions is met:
    - If he was physically present in the UAE for 183 days or more in the last 12 months.
    - If he has been physically present in the UAE for 90 days or more in the last 12 months and he has a valid residence permit and meets any of the following conditions:

    # has permanent residence in the UAE (owned or long-term leased);

    # is engaged in employment or business in the UAE.

    7. Do I need to pay an agent's fee when buying real estate in Dubai?

    If you buy off-plan property in Dubai, you will not pay an agent's fee. The agency's commission is paid by the developer. When purchasing an apartment or villa on the secondary market, the buyer usually pays an agency fee of 2% of the property value.

    8. Is it possible to buy real estate in Dubai in the name of a foreign company?

    This is currently not possible. To purchase real estate in the name of a company, the company must be registered in the UAE.